Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Great Equalizer

Today I did the Fountainhead Off Road Half Marathon and I am already feeling it. Tomorrow I am going to be stiifffff.

It was an absolutely beautiful race through the woods and along the water, but oh my. The hills. Oh, the hills. I thought last week's Run For the Dream Half Marathon was rough with it's 'rolling hills,' but those were baby hills compared to this trail race. Seriously, trail running is the great equalizer. No one is immune to wet feet from crossing creeks, hills so steep you almost have to use your hands to help you climb up or just to save yourself from slipping in the shoe-sucking mud. Then the blisters happen because of those factors and when a blister pops open while running, it is the worst feeling. I've considered having my pinky toes removed during my states of delirium after a blister pops during a race. It's that bad. Obviously, no PR was made, but free pizza and diet coke at the finish line put this race pretty high on my favorites list.

I had also checked out a running trail yesterday close to where I'm staying that I think I'll be using quite a bit for my long runs this summer. It, too, ran along the water and gave me lots to look at, which is good because I know there's a 25-miler hiding somewhere in my training plan.

I also have to brag a bit on my hair yesterday. I did a French braid crown that was added to my French braid. Mind blown.

Now, I'll leave you with my running plans for the week:

Monday - 5 miles
Tuesday - 4
Wednesday - 6
Thursday - 4
Friday - rest
Saturday - Baltimore 10-miler!
Sunday - 4

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