Saturday, June 22, 2013

Not every runner is elite

I think I've said this before, but I want everyone who is thinking about starting to run to know that not everyone can be Kara Goucher, Shalane Flanagan or Ryan Hall. Sometimes you just have to be proud of yourself for getting out of bed in the morning and hitting the pavement/treadmill.

Take me for instance. It takes me 4 hours, 49 minutes and 27 seconds to move my body for 26.2 miles. And yes, that IS running the WHOLE time. And while that time doesn't sound good to a Boston Qualifier (who needs a 3:35 just to be eligible to register at my age) I am so proud of my times that I tattooed them to the back of my leg. I figure, good or bad, they're mine.

It doesn't include my most recent time from April, yet.

No matter what someone's time is though, most runners can share tips, tricks and stories that can relate to everyone. What they eat before (molten lava pancake), during (GU) and after (everything) a long run, how they psyche themselves up for a race, and how much they all enjoy a rest day.

So, while some people were recently talking about how they can run a 10-miler in an hour flat (my PR is 1:31), or do 3 miles at a 6:30 pace (I can't even do a quarter mile at that pace) realize that your running can still inspire someone else. I was doing a 7-mile run the other morning where I did one warmup mile at 11 min, 5 miles at 9:13, then another 11 min cool down mile, and even though it would seem so slow to some people, someone came up to me and said they wished they could run as long as me. I actually inspired someone! Awe *blush*

So, no matter your pace or distance, run on with your bad self!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a 14-mile run with my name on it.

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