Monday, June 17, 2013

50 Random Things

I recently watched DailyGrace's "50 RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME" on YouTube and it made me want to do my own list. So, here we go!

50. I got married when I was only 18.
49. We had only known each other for 4 months.
48. I don't recommend doing that.
47. I served in the Air National Guard for almost 4 years before switching to the Army.
46. I don't recommend that, either.
45. I love food.
44. Like, really, love it. There are days when I want to say eff Weight Watchers and eat like a little piggy!
43. I can spend hours on YouTube.
42. I can waste even more time on buzzfeed, especially when cat/dog videos are involved.
41. I'm addicted to sushi right now. I've had it 4-5 times in the last two weeks and it even sounds good right now!
40. I talk to my mom on the phone almost every day and we still have plenty to talk about.
39. I am a fair weather runner. If it is too hot or cold, too humid or raining, or dark, you will find me on a treadmill.
38. I can run on a treadmill for 3-4 hours with no issues because I'll read/watch movies on my kindle.
37. I have 3 tank tops that I default to all the time. I have one in yellow, blue and purple and I wish I had more. I wear them to sleep, workout or as a daytime shirt.
36. I enjoy writing.
35. I do not enjoy being interviewed on a camera. I do a brain dump.
34. Overall, I really do love my job, even though I complain about it.
33. I am really close to my sister, like bffs!
32. No matter what, I will always have days when I think I'm fat. Sorry hubs, it will never go away.
31. I love sleeping. A good nap is almost better than a good meal.
30. I like reading. I have at least 10 books on my kindle that in dying to read when I'm not swamped with work.
29. I love Runner's World magazine. Spending all day reading an issue is a perfect day.
28. I want to do a triathlon, but I'm not a strong swimmer.
27. But I love swimming.
26. I love traveling.
25. My favorite place so far is Hawaii. Hands down, no competition.... Well Greece was pretty... And so was Pompeii... No, I'm sticking with Hawaii!
24. I also like moving. I don't like the actual act of moving my belongings, especially because it seems like we accumulate more stuff with each move, but I love living in a new place and having new areas to explore.
23. My cats are my children. I love them. I don't care if you think that's crazy.
22. I blush very easily. Most of the times I'm not embarrassed, it's just a natural reaction for me.
21. Social media is a part of my life. Between Facebook, twitter, Instagram and blogger, I don't know how I get anything done.
20. I am deathly afraid of snakes. They give me the willies.
19. I like to talk to people, but I also really enjoy my alone time. How else am I going to get caught up on my buzzfeed and YouTube videos?!
18. Frozen yogurt is a weakness for me because I'm fooled into thinking it's good for me.
17. I have to run in the mornings, otherwise it's too easy for me to talk myself out of it or don't put in as much effort.
16. Me and da momma are planning to run a marathon in each state, but neither one of us enjoys running marathons. Figure that one out.... But seriously, if you figure it out, share with me because I don't understand.
15. I wish the hubs would run with me more often. I love when I have a running buddy.
14. I count when I walk/run/use stairs. It's weird, I know.
13. I might have OCD.
12. I love doing crafts! When I have time off work, the hubs never knows what he might come home to.
11. Actually, my whole family loves crafts. When da momma, sister and me get together, watch out!
10. I am only competitive at things I know I'm good at. When I know I might not do well, I don't put much effort in. ie sprinting, on camera interviews
9. I am a slow runner. I don't like to talk about my times to serious runners because my times are a joke to them. However, good or bad, they are mine and I am proud of them.
8. I have 5 tattoos. One of them my mom and sister have too. It has ladybugs because that's what da mom's used to call us.
7. Besides that tattoo, I'm not very sentimental. I don't keep many things just because. I don't like the clutter. OCD, maybe?
6. However, I do like to take pictures.
5. I don't like when someone orders the same thing as me at a restaurant.
4. I have weird pinky toes. They always get blisters because of how they lay and I lose the toenail sometimes after a marathon.
3. I don't like to drink water. I'm trying to do better, but I'd prefer a sodie.
2. I don't think I'm very smart, it's hard for me to remember things. I'm winging it here!
1. I am an all-or-nothing kind of person. I am either biking 12 miles, then playing badminton, then going for a swim, then doing crafts and cooking for the week, or I'm sleeping for 15 hours and don't get out of bed. It's almost like I need a recharge day every once in awhile.

Well there you go! That was harder than I thought it would be. It took about a week to complete, I kept going back when I'd think of something to add. So, now you know a little more about me.

My babies!

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