Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Getting back on track

I didn't want to step on the scale after a week in Hawaii this morning, but I knew it had to be done to know how much damage needed to be repaired. **Drum roll** One pound! After all that decadent food, I had only gained one pound! That made me so happy. I thought I had ruined 10 weeks of work on Weight Watchers for one week in paradise, but no real damage was done. And now it is time to get back on track!

However, jet lag was kicking my butt. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, and an even harder time staying awake today. We wanted to get a workout in, without killing ourselves in our semi-conscience state, so we went to water aerobics at the YMCA. It was perfect. It kept me moving, but I could also zone out and just move through the water. It was a nice transition to being back in Kansas where it's only 40 degrees. That may not sound bad, but it is when you just spent a week in the 80's.

While I could have easily stayed in Hawaii another week, it was so great to have home-cooked meals and have some control over the calorie count. We had unsweetened oatmeal with a cut-up apple for breakfast (4 points), that stuck with us during our swim session, veggie fajitas for lunch (6 points) and eggplant parmesan for dinner (10 points per serving). I'm hoping I have a bit more energy tomorrow because I still don't feel like doing anything right now, even with an afternoon nap! I guess I have to stop signing off with 'Aloha!' now that I'm back on the mainland :/ meh.

Home-cooked veggie fajita! Beautiful after a week of eating out.

My iced coffee isn't as glamorous in sweats in Kansas.

Even the dog knew it was nap time.  She was too tired to chew, she just laid there with the rope in her mouth.

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