Friday, April 26, 2013

Eating in Real Life

I did both of the things I said I would yesterday, even though I really didn't feel like doing either. So I think I deserve a pat on the back, maybe? (procrastination nation)

The real test came last night when my husband was making Oreo Balls for a work picnic today. I love oreos. Like LOVE oreos. So I watched as he crumbled up an entire bag of them, mixed it with cream cheese, froze them in balls, then dipped them in melted Ghirardelli chocolate. Take a moment to reread that. Yea, I had to leave the room so that I wouldn't lick the blender clean from the Oreo and cream cheese mixture. Talk about willpower! Here's the recipe, if you dare! I caved a little by sprinkling a couple of the Ghirardelli chocolate chips over my cut up fruit. Compromise! 

The next test was at the picnic today. It was a traditional BBQ - hamburgers, hot dogs and lunch meat wraps. So, not much that I could eat, being on Weight Watchers and a (near) vegetarian. Luckily, I brought a Special K protein bar and someone had brought some fresh fruit that I could nibble on. It pays to always have one of those bars on hand just in case, so if you do find yourself somewhere that you don't have many options, you can pull it out and nom on that, at least until you can get some real food.

For dinner, I made shrimp po' boys and they were yummy!

Shrimp Po' Boy
(8 Weight Watchers points. This can vary depending on what you add and what kind of hoagie bun you use)

-Greek Yogurt
-Hoagie Buns
-Whatever extra toppings you want to load it up with (see below)

1. Cook up the shrimp then toss them in a strainer with a handful of ice to let them cool down
2. Cut the shrimp and garlic up and mix it with a dollop of Greek yogurt
3. Add just a touch of mayo, just enough to give it that tangy taste, but not too much so that you don't add all those calories. I also gave mine a shake of garlic salt, along with the cut up garlic

4. I let this mixture set in the fridge for about an hour to cool down and to let all the flavors blend
5. Then, I toasted a couple hoagie buns (for me and the hubs)
6. I bulked mine up with lettuce, tomatoes and banana peppers and then a heaping serving of the shrimp mixture. Delish!

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