Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tricks and treats

I had an awesome running week... Until today.

I felt so good Tuesday that I rocked out 8 miles before work, finished my APFT in 16:09 Thursday, and busted out 6.5 miles Friday. I woke up today ready to dominate this 12-miler, but didn't even make it a mile before I knew it wasn't happening. It was hot, humid and allergies made my head feel like it weighed 50 pounds. I kept up a walk/run ratio to force myself to go 6 miles out, but I had no motivation to run on the way back. Oh well, 12 miles is 12 miles, either way.

Looking on the bright side, walking let me focus on the beautiful scenery

Another factor that slowed me down were the hills. I have complained about hills on many occasions, but today I want to talk about how I push through this necessary evil. I know everyone has their own technique, whether it's to walk them, lean into it and sprint, or even go backwards (I've seen it happen!). My (weird) trick is that I look to see how big the hill is and come up with a number I think is high enough to count down from and reach the top. Then I look down and count down with each deep breath and don't allow myself to look up until I've reached zero. This way, I'm focused on my breathing and not the hill itself.

If you read my 50 random things post, you know that I have a thing about counting and that's why this works so well for me, try it out if you're looking for something new, but going backwards keeps your focus away from the hill too because I'm sure you're trying not to fall.

After my (painful) "run" this morning, I was starving! I made a super tasty pizza using a 90 calorie Flatout wrap, shredded cabbage, Lightlife chicken tenders (a vegetarian staple) and this chipotle salsa that was on fi-yah! Om nom nom nom.

I also have to highlight these new Under Armour running shorts I got this week. Amazing. They are so lightweight and they don't ride up at all. I think I need to get a pair in every color available.

Well here's to hoping my run tomorrow is better than today!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Running schedule for June 24-30

Okay, here is the plan! You know I deviate sometimes though:

Monday - 5.5 miles (done!)
Tuesday - 7 miles
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 2 mile APFT
Friday - 7 miles
Saturday - 12.5 miles
Sunday - 6.1 miles, I signed up for the Hustle N Bustle for the Wounded Warrior Project 10K. They said don't expect a PR because of the hills, but I figure it's for a good cause!

I found an awesome running trail about 15 minutes from where I'm staying right now that I did my 14-miler on this past Saturday and it's where I'll do my 12.5 next weekend. It is 4.5 miles of trail to this lake that has a 1.8 mile paved loop. So, I just run around the lake until I have to head the 4.5 miles back. It's a very nice trail, lots to look at and shady, but there are hills. HILLS!

My nighttime ritual before a long run/race. Sipping some G2. Orange is the best flavor, hands down

I don't know if I've talked about PB2 before, but it is awesome. It's dehydrated peanut butter, so all the oil is removed, then you rehydrate it with water so it's only 45 calories, compared to 180. I love the stuff. I had that smeared on a couple pieces of toast after my run this weekend and it was so tasty!

You need to try it at least once if you love peanut butter as much as me, but hate the calories. Add it to toast, bananas, smoothies, anything!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Not every runner is elite

I think I've said this before, but I want everyone who is thinking about starting to run to know that not everyone can be Kara Goucher, Shalane Flanagan or Ryan Hall. Sometimes you just have to be proud of yourself for getting out of bed in the morning and hitting the pavement/treadmill.

Take me for instance. It takes me 4 hours, 49 minutes and 27 seconds to move my body for 26.2 miles. And yes, that IS running the WHOLE time. And while that time doesn't sound good to a Boston Qualifier (who needs a 3:35 just to be eligible to register at my age) I am so proud of my times that I tattooed them to the back of my leg. I figure, good or bad, they're mine.

It doesn't include my most recent time from April, yet.

No matter what someone's time is though, most runners can share tips, tricks and stories that can relate to everyone. What they eat before (molten lava pancake), during (GU) and after (everything) a long run, how they psyche themselves up for a race, and how much they all enjoy a rest day.

So, while some people were recently talking about how they can run a 10-miler in an hour flat (my PR is 1:31), or do 3 miles at a 6:30 pace (I can't even do a quarter mile at that pace) realize that your running can still inspire someone else. I was doing a 7-mile run the other morning where I did one warmup mile at 11 min, 5 miles at 9:13, then another 11 min cool down mile, and even though it would seem so slow to some people, someone came up to me and said they wished they could run as long as me. I actually inspired someone! Awe *blush*

So, no matter your pace or distance, run on with your bad self!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a 14-mile run with my name on it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How I started running

I'm taking a 'cross training opportunity' on the stationary bike to also update my blog. Multitasking like a pro.

I wanted to talk about what got me hooked on running in the first place - my first race. First, I'll give you a little background on my running experience prior to that day, which wasn't much.

I had dabbled very sporadically prior to joining the military, while I was in high school. But that really consisted of running a mile every so often, with no real schedule or pattern. I just knew I wanted to lose weight and thought that would help, and it does, if you're a bit more consistent and don't eat like a little piggy in between.

After I joined the military, a mile and a half was my distance because that was what the Air Force said I needed to do. So, I'd go out there and rock those 6 laps around a track and call it a day. Time for breakfast! I dabbled with 2-3 miles at a time when I was in training, but again, not consistently.

For a little over a year, that was where I stayed. I'd go for a run around my neighborhood, or run up to my sister's work to say hi, but usually kept it around 2 miles, and never over 3.

Then the day came, I remember it well. It was in March of 2009 and a friend of mine took me to a local running store, Pacers, so she could get a new pair of shoes. While we were there, a slightly overweight sales associate started talking to us about doing races. Up until that point, the thought had never crossed my mind, but at the time I thought, 'if she can do it, so can I!' Seeing how it's been 4 years since that day and I have seen the backside of every size and shape as they going zooming past me, at the time, I didn't know not to judge someone by how they look on if they're a runner. So, me and my friend looked at her talking about her recent half marathon and were like, 'we can totally do a full marathon.' Just like that. Boy, were we foolish. Two people who had never ran more than 3 miles at a time thinking that it can't possibly be that hard to run a marathon. People do it all the time, right?

Now, I'm talking we wanted to do a full that year. Luckily, that sales associate talked us into starting with a 5k. You know, work your way up. So, we signed up for our first race! I don't remember the name of it, but I know it was in Crystal City, Va. and took place on Mother's Day and I remember I kept thinking, 'where's the finish line?!' And was dead exhausted afterward. I didn't want to do anything else that day except eat and, obviously, brag. At the time, none of my other friends or family were really runners, so naturally I felt superior. But wait a second. Um, a marathon is 23.1 miles longer than what we had just done. Yeah. We realized that our initial goal was a little high. But we stuck with it!

Before our first race

Next, we did a 4 mile twilight run (again, exhaustion, light headedness, and feelings of even more superiority flooded my system), then we did an 8k, and a couple 10k's, including a trail 10k because we didn't realize that was a completely different beast. And while we weren't quite ready for the coveted marathon, I did make the jump into double digits that year and signed up for the Revenge of the Penguins 10-miler. Where is that damn finish line?!

I stagnated there for a year, my weekly mileage being a 10-miler on Mondays, 8 on Wednesday and 6 on Friday. Then da momma made the leap past that mile and a half mandatory run and joined the ranks of recreational runner. I was so happy to have someone else to talk to for hours about running tips and tricks and complaining about logging miles when tired and how much we thought we deserved to eat because, hey, we did a 4 mile run that morning. The usual.
Now, my initial excitement had worn off, so while I did a couple 10k's and the Army 10-miler that year, my mom was just ramping up. She signed up for a winter series to keep her motivated throughout the cold months and the difference between her and me when I started running races, was she signed up for that marathon for the following April, and brought me along for the ride. I was not ready! It came too soon! I think I changed my mind about doing an actual marathon! I'm perfectly happy just riding the 10 mile high! Nope.

We were so stupid. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, especially because our first marathon was a trail marathon. Do not do that to yourself. Take my word for it, I bit that bullet for you.

Now, do you realize how much training goes into a marathon? Let alone a trail marathon?! We didn't. And we also lost interest pretty quick, but that marathon still came, ready or not. I'm not going to explain every race I've ever done, but I will say that one was terrible. It's the same one we just did for the third time a couple months ago because we haven't learned our lesson, but that first year when neither one of us had ever done more than 12ish miles, it broke us. Sun burn, scrapes, blisters so bad we couldn't walk, lost toe nails, the works. And I've never eaten so much food in my life. After the race, I had a bowl of chili, a large Jimmy John's sub, Italian sausage, spaghetti, cheesecake and then I woke up in the middle of the night STARVING, but my sun burn and aching body won out and I stayed in bed. Seriously, we did this race two more times after this and we still haven't learned to train for it. We just do it, then it's like opening day to start training for fall marathons. It's a sickness.
After that frightful experience I did actually sign up for the Marine Corps Marathon that fall and actually trained for it. Novel idea!

We were dead to the world after that first trail marathon

Since then, we've done a handful of races of all distances and had made the decision to throw in the towel on marathons after this past April. Ha! You don't just quit! It's like a drug. You hate it how it feels, you hate how it takes up all your time, but you just can't quit. I jokingly mentioned that we should do a marathon in every state since we've already tackled Kansas and Virginia. Seriously, it was just a joke because we were quitting. So, now we're signed up for Ohio and have Texas, Missouri, Hawaii and Nevada planned out.

During our most recent trail marathon

Before our most recent half marathon

Gotta love it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's a vicious cycle

Do you have those days when you're super stressed, or really tired or just plain feel like crap? Then you don't feel like cooking because you want something greasy and bad for you? Then you don't want to workout because you feel so sluggish from eating so bad? Then you feel even crappier?!
It is such a vicious cycle and I've been there. Actually, last night, I wanted to jump right into this spin cycle because I had such a bad day. I was dreaming about the lobster grilled cheese I had last week and the dark chocolate covered praline cake with vanilla ice cream. *drool*
But I didn't give in! And right now I feel so much better for it. I made some sauteed cabbage and Lightlife Italian style sausage, then a bowl of frozen fruit with fat free cool whip and Hershey's lite chocolate syrup for dessert. Still tasty and I was able to get out of bed this morning and go for a 5 mile run.

I know it can be so hard not to give in to those cravings, but if you can just take a minute and talk yourself out of it, you'll be thanking yourself the next day.

Monday, June 17, 2013

50 Random Things

I recently watched DailyGrace's "50 RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME" on YouTube and it made me want to do my own list. So, here we go!

50. I got married when I was only 18.
49. We had only known each other for 4 months.
48. I don't recommend doing that.
47. I served in the Air National Guard for almost 4 years before switching to the Army.
46. I don't recommend that, either.
45. I love food.
44. Like, really, love it. There are days when I want to say eff Weight Watchers and eat like a little piggy!
43. I can spend hours on YouTube.
42. I can waste even more time on buzzfeed, especially when cat/dog videos are involved.
41. I'm addicted to sushi right now. I've had it 4-5 times in the last two weeks and it even sounds good right now!
40. I talk to my mom on the phone almost every day and we still have plenty to talk about.
39. I am a fair weather runner. If it is too hot or cold, too humid or raining, or dark, you will find me on a treadmill.
38. I can run on a treadmill for 3-4 hours with no issues because I'll read/watch movies on my kindle.
37. I have 3 tank tops that I default to all the time. I have one in yellow, blue and purple and I wish I had more. I wear them to sleep, workout or as a daytime shirt.
36. I enjoy writing.
35. I do not enjoy being interviewed on a camera. I do a brain dump.
34. Overall, I really do love my job, even though I complain about it.
33. I am really close to my sister, like bffs!
32. No matter what, I will always have days when I think I'm fat. Sorry hubs, it will never go away.
31. I love sleeping. A good nap is almost better than a good meal.
30. I like reading. I have at least 10 books on my kindle that in dying to read when I'm not swamped with work.
29. I love Runner's World magazine. Spending all day reading an issue is a perfect day.
28. I want to do a triathlon, but I'm not a strong swimmer.
27. But I love swimming.
26. I love traveling.
25. My favorite place so far is Hawaii. Hands down, no competition.... Well Greece was pretty... And so was Pompeii... No, I'm sticking with Hawaii!
24. I also like moving. I don't like the actual act of moving my belongings, especially because it seems like we accumulate more stuff with each move, but I love living in a new place and having new areas to explore.
23. My cats are my children. I love them. I don't care if you think that's crazy.
22. I blush very easily. Most of the times I'm not embarrassed, it's just a natural reaction for me.
21. Social media is a part of my life. Between Facebook, twitter, Instagram and blogger, I don't know how I get anything done.
20. I am deathly afraid of snakes. They give me the willies.
19. I like to talk to people, but I also really enjoy my alone time. How else am I going to get caught up on my buzzfeed and YouTube videos?!
18. Frozen yogurt is a weakness for me because I'm fooled into thinking it's good for me.
17. I have to run in the mornings, otherwise it's too easy for me to talk myself out of it or don't put in as much effort.
16. Me and da momma are planning to run a marathon in each state, but neither one of us enjoys running marathons. Figure that one out.... But seriously, if you figure it out, share with me because I don't understand.
15. I wish the hubs would run with me more often. I love when I have a running buddy.
14. I count when I walk/run/use stairs. It's weird, I know.
13. I might have OCD.
12. I love doing crafts! When I have time off work, the hubs never knows what he might come home to.
11. Actually, my whole family loves crafts. When da momma, sister and me get together, watch out!
10. I am only competitive at things I know I'm good at. When I know I might not do well, I don't put much effort in. ie sprinting, on camera interviews
9. I am a slow runner. I don't like to talk about my times to serious runners because my times are a joke to them. However, good or bad, they are mine and I am proud of them.
8. I have 5 tattoos. One of them my mom and sister have too. It has ladybugs because that's what da mom's used to call us.
7. Besides that tattoo, I'm not very sentimental. I don't keep many things just because. I don't like the clutter. OCD, maybe?
6. However, I do like to take pictures.
5. I don't like when someone orders the same thing as me at a restaurant.
4. I have weird pinky toes. They always get blisters because of how they lay and I lose the toenail sometimes after a marathon.
3. I don't like to drink water. I'm trying to do better, but I'd prefer a sodie.
2. I don't think I'm very smart, it's hard for me to remember things. I'm winging it here!
1. I am an all-or-nothing kind of person. I am either biking 12 miles, then playing badminton, then going for a swim, then doing crafts and cooking for the week, or I'm sleeping for 15 hours and don't get out of bed. It's almost like I need a recharge day every once in awhile.

Well there you go! That was harder than I thought it would be. It took about a week to complete, I kept going back when I'd think of something to add. So, now you know a little more about me.

My babies!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The week to come

I don't have any races coming up until the end of the month, but I do have a PT test that I need to be ready for next week.

I got a nice, easy four mile run in this morning and if the week goes as planned, I should be logging about  42 miles between tomorrow and next Sunday. Training is definitely picking up.

Monday - 5 miles
Tuesday - 5
Wednesday - 7
Thursday - 4
Friday - rest
Saturday - 7
Sunday - 14

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Not All Runs Can Be PRs

Today, I did the Baltimore 10-miler and it won. Even though I did run the whole thing, it kicked my butt and there is no PR to celebrate. I knew before I even hit the first mile marker that today just wasn't my day. I felt sluggish and heavy, it was hot and my bff - hills - came early and often. I had to keep making myself slow down just so I wouldn't burn out before the finish line and my time was on the far end of my goal range that I talked about a couple weeks ago, but that's okay because I really was practically limping from the pain in my calf as I crossed the finish line.

Got a pretty awesome running jacket instead of a shirt

But, I figure 10 miles is still 10 miles, whether you do it fast or slow, so I'm logging that race as training miles.

"It was being a runner that mattered, not how fast or how far I could run. The joy was in the act of running and in the journey, not in the destination. We have a better chance of seeing where we are when we stop trying to get somewhere else," - John Bingham.

Afterward, I made us some nom noms with these Gardein beefless tips that are so delish and the most realistic meatless product I've ever had. I just threw some into a jalapeño-cheddar wrap with tomato-basil hummus, tomatoes and onions. Yummo! I figured I didn't need to feel more like crap after that race by going out to eat.

Nap time!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Throwback Thursday

For this Throwback Thursday I am going to show you why I have to watch what I eat and workout.

Oh dear. Look at that face! Excuse me, I need to go for a run right now.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Great Equalizer

Today I did the Fountainhead Off Road Half Marathon and I am already feeling it. Tomorrow I am going to be stiifffff.

It was an absolutely beautiful race through the woods and along the water, but oh my. The hills. Oh, the hills. I thought last week's Run For the Dream Half Marathon was rough with it's 'rolling hills,' but those were baby hills compared to this trail race. Seriously, trail running is the great equalizer. No one is immune to wet feet from crossing creeks, hills so steep you almost have to use your hands to help you climb up or just to save yourself from slipping in the shoe-sucking mud. Then the blisters happen because of those factors and when a blister pops open while running, it is the worst feeling. I've considered having my pinky toes removed during my states of delirium after a blister pops during a race. It's that bad. Obviously, no PR was made, but free pizza and diet coke at the finish line put this race pretty high on my favorites list.

I had also checked out a running trail yesterday close to where I'm staying that I think I'll be using quite a bit for my long runs this summer. It, too, ran along the water and gave me lots to look at, which is good because I know there's a 25-miler hiding somewhere in my training plan.

I also have to brag a bit on my hair yesterday. I did a French braid crown that was added to my French braid. Mind blown.

Now, I'll leave you with my running plans for the week:

Monday - 5 miles
Tuesday - 4
Wednesday - 6
Thursday - 4
Friday - rest
Saturday - Baltimore 10-miler!
Sunday - 4

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nostalgia Way

You know when you taste or smell something and it instantly takes you back to a certain memory? That happened last night when I had some Moose Tracks ice cream for the first time in years. If you've never had Moose Tracks, you are missing out and need to correct yourself because it is the best ice cream. It has peanut butter and fudge swirled throughout. Perfection. As soon as i ate it, I instantly thought of my childhood home and my mom buying it and us having a bowl at night while sitting in her bedroom watching TV - me, her and my sister. Good memories.

Another gem I just discovered yesterday is Pace Garlic and Lime salsa. Uh, talk about all my favorite things! It even has a bit of a kick. With my luck, I'll never see it at the grocery store ever again, but I put a scoop (or three) into my butternut squash soup last night and it was awesome. I see dipping veggies, crackers, pouring it on eggs... The options are limitless! 

Me and the hubs also hit up the gym together last night and logged some miles on the treadmill. I love when he works out with me because it keeps me motivated. Too bad he's heading down to Charleston next week while I hang out in Maryland for a couple more months to wrap some things up. Gotta stay motivated!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

a little about myself

I typically don't talk about my work a lot here, but I had a little bragging moment that I wanted to share. I'm a journalist in the Army, which is partly why I do this blog to keep my writing up in between articles. I recently did a story on a commander who saved someone's life during a routine training mission and I'm pretty proud of the story (as well as his service) here's the story.

Now that I got that bragging out of the way, let me admit that I did not get my 6 mile run in last night. I went to the gym and all the treadmills were taken, and while I'm happy that so many people were dedicated to their fitness, I was a bit peeved. I ended up doing 11 miles on the bike, which was probably for the best because afterward I ran one mile and it hurt. I think I was still recovering from Sunday's race. Here's to getting a run in tonight!

Monday, June 3, 2013

So close!

I did the Run for the Dream half marathon yesterday in Williamsburg, Va. and the 6 miles of 'rolling hills' won. While I still got a new PR of 2:01:40, I didn't manage my goal of a sub 2 hour. So close! Maybe in the fall.

Besides that, it was a beautiful run. We ran through colonial Williamsburg, ran up and down the parkway and did a lap around William & Mary's stadium track. It was hot, hot, hot outside, but there was a pretty constant breeze that saved my life and they did a good job with the water stations.

We also had some great food while we were there. The night before the race we had she-crab soup, and I think it's my new favorite thing - well I guess just crab in general because I had it with a crab quesadilla and this was after the crabmeat cheese steak from Friday night.

After the race, we had a massive brunch in Williamsburg, that I refuse to be ashamed of devouring every last bite because I had just run a half marathon, of smoked salmon eggs benedict (another favorite), shrimp and grits and hash browns.

After that, we headed to Yorktown solely for this amazing wine shop called River Fruit Tropical Wines, where they have every flavor of fruit wine that you could possibly imagine, plus... Wait for it... Chocolate covered, frozen, key lime pie on a stick. I'll wait while you reread that description and let it sink in... And yes, it is everything that it sounds like it would be.

And yes, that is chocolate on my face

Now for the running schedule this week:
Monday - 6 miles
Tuesday - 4
Wednesday - 6
Thursday - 6
Friday - rest
Saturday - 5
Sunday - 13.1. I signed up for another half marathon - Fountainhead Off road half marathon. So, I won't be able to get that sub2, since it's a trail, but I am expecting a beautiful run.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Busy, busy, busy

It's been a couple days since my last post because I've been swamped with work, but I'm currently on my way to Williamsburg for the Run for the Dream half marathon! And even though I've been exhausted all week, I still fit in a couple 4 milers and I even hopped on a bike for 11 miles for some cross training (and paid dearly for it the next day with a sore bum!)

I haven't made any exciting recipes lately, but I did have some amazing crab last night for dinner from Casey's Crab Co. Me and the hubs shared some hot crab dip with Ritz crackers and then we had a crabmeat cheesesteak (the one and only, according to the menu). Man, oh, man was it tasty! It had a load of crabmeat, grilled onions, lettuce, tomato, cheese. Everything that makes a great sandwich. I may be checking them out again before I leave.

Now wish me luck on tomorrow's race!