Sunday, May 26, 2013

Meatless Half Marathon

Meatless Half Marathon doesn't quite have the same ring as Meatless Marathon, but not every title can be a winner.

I did the Alexandria Running Festival Half Marathon this morning and before I tell you the time, take this into consideration - "Remember the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running," -Sarah Condor. So, good or bad, at least I did it.

Now, the time...*drum roll*...
well first, let me add that Runner's World magazine gave me the guidance to go into a race with three time goals - the first is your 'having the best race day ever and the wind is in your favor' goal time, the second is the more reasonable 'I pushed myself and I'm happy' goal time, and finally, your 'I better be bleeding or limping if this is my time' goal time. My three were a sub 2 hour (even 1:59:59 and I would be ecstatic), 2:10 and 2:20.

Knowing this, *cue drum roll* 2:03:25! So, I wasn't as excited, BUT it was still a PR! It beat my last one of 2:07 from the Woodrow Wilson Half Marathon from October 2011. And either way, it was a really great race. The weather was perfect - cool, but not cold, sunny, and no humidity. Unheard of in these parts at this time of year. Fingers crossed for these great conditions next weekend at the Run For a Dream Half Marathon in Williamsburg, VA. 

Now that we've chit-chatted about running, time for some food talk. After the race, me, the hubs and a friend went to Bread & Chocolate in Old Town Alexandria for my absolute favorite brunch item - eggs benedict with smoked salmon. Seriously, the egg yolk, hollandaise sauce and the saltines of the salmon was a.m.a.z.i.n.g after running 13 miles. And let me tell you, you had to have just run a half marathon to eat it because it runs you about 20 Weight Watchers points! Totally worth it.

For dinner, I was too tired, and lazy, and hey, we don't have much food in the house because we're moving, so we went out to eat again at Grilled Cheese & Co. It is a gourmet grilled cheese restaurant. Oh dear.

I got the Veggie Delight and the hubs got the Crabby Melt and we both got a bowl of tomato soup because every good grilled cheese has tomato soup on the side. Mine had harvati cheese, roasted veggies, olive tapenade and black pepper aioli. Hubs had Monterey Jack cheese with crab meat because this is Maryland!

The tomato soup had big chunks in it and was topped with pieces of Parmesan cheese and croutons and the sandwich had hot, gooey cheese and you could taste the olive tapenade with every bite. I can't decide if I liked mine or hubs' better with the sweet, creamy crab dip spilling out the sides. And then... We went back up... And bought ANOTHER. But we shared it and it was the Sweetest Thing with brie, mascarpone, raspberry preserves and chocolate chips, so, technically it was dessert. Do you see why I had to join Weight Watchers?!

They even serve an 'original' with american cheese if you want to stick to the classics.

I don't even want to think about running right now, but I should probably mention my running plans for the week:


Now, put me to bed!

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