Saturday, April 27, 2013

Speaking of goals...

The other day I wrote about some of my fitness/nutrition goals (scroll down to the end of this post), but today I hit a different goal. Today was the first time I went to a Weight Watchers meeting since March (see any of my Hawaii posts to know why) and **drum roll** I made my goal weight!

I love Weight Watchers because everyone is always so proud of you when you make a milestone. They clap and say 'good job' and bring you up front, give you a hug, let you have your moment in the spotlight. It's very motivating. So, that was pretty exciting. Now I have to maintain for the next six weeks, then I become a lifetime member. Woot!

Besides that, I also ran 7 miles today and have kept up the water intake that I said I would when I stated my goals. I'm kind of floating on a cloud right now :)

Me and the hubs were also able to get some yard work done today.  A couple months ago, while my husband was away at training, me, my mom and a friend of mine cut down these hideous, overgrown bushes that were at the end of our driveway. They would scrape our cars as we were pulling out and I just couldn't stand them anymore. Hubs wasn't impressed, but what was worse was the stumps that were left behind. So, we finally got around to renting a stump grinder and got rid of those eye sores.

We also had a pretty tasty lunch, which of course makes me happy because, hello! I live for food. Why else would I need to be on Weight Watchers?

I used the Lightlife Veggie Sausages, Italian style, cut them up and put it over some sauerkraut with sauteed onions and garlic. The hubs had his sausages in a bun and kind made it like a bratwurst type deal. Either way, tasty.

Now we're going to go reward ourselves with a movie at the drive-in. My hubs has never been to a drive-in (talk about a deprived childhood!) and the snack bar website says they have a veggie wrap with my name on it.

Have a great weekend!

**Update ** here's a picture of my husband wiping off spider webs. My hero!

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