Monday, July 29, 2013

Logging the miles

It's been awhile since I last wrote, mostly because I've been writing so much in the training I'm in that I couldn't bring myself to do it on my personal time, too, but I have some running success to talk about.

Last weekend I logged a 20-miler and felt pretty good during it. I was very pleasantly surprised at being able to push through it, even with it being 90° and humid. So, obviously, it wasn't a great time that I did it in, but sometimes finishing is the real victory.

 Nothing to see here with the time, just be impressed that I did it

I'm not going to act like there wasn't a motivation issue involved though. It took everything I had to get out of bed

The week following I did a 9-miler in 84 minutes, an 8-miler in 73 minutes and a 6-miler in 55 minutes. Those are good times for me, so I'm proud of them, haha!

I took a bit of a beating after that 20-miler and had to tape myself together

Then this past Saturday I had an 18-miler, and even though I pushed through it, I wanted to quit at just 2.5 miles in. You know it's going to be a loooong run when that happens. But I allowed myself a .25-.50 mile walking break every 3 miles and that made it easier to handle. At least I can say I made it through.

So, quite a few miles have been logged and there's a 22-miler looming ahead of me for this Friday. I think I can! I think I can!

Oh yea, less than 2 months till the Air Force Marathon!

Obviously, when there's been a lot of running, there's also been a lot of food. Here are a couple of my recent recipes:

Avocado chickpea tacos
(8 WW points for 3 tacos, with 1/2 cup chickpeas, and 1/4 avocado)

- taco shells
-1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
- any other 0 point toppings you want - lettuce, salsa, tomatoes, etc.

This one is so simple and so tasty. The original recipe's link isn't working, but it came from Vegetarian Times.

1. Mash up the avocado and dump the chickpeas in. 

2. Don't mash the chickpeas, just stir to coat with the avocado.

3. Scoop into taco shells and add extra fixings.
Too easy.

Just to mix things up, I also put this mixture on a sandwich using Panera's asiago cheese bread. Both versions are winners.

And speaking of Panera. Their new soba noodle shrimp salad is a must try. It's chilled shrimp, soba noodles, sesame seeds, on top of spinach and dressing. An amazing meal to refuel with after a long run.

So, the rest of this week will look something like this:

Tuesday - 9
Wednesday - 6
Thursday - rest
Friday - 22
Saturday - 4
Sunday - rest

It's going to get a little tricky after that because of a work trip, but I will adapt and overcome!

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