Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Another year older.

According to the Army's physical fitness test, my running should continue to peak until I'm 32 years old. Is this true? Because I just turned 25 and I'm pretty sure I'm as slow as I've ever been.

I may be slow, but I'm still pretty proud of my running accomplishments. This past Saturday, I knocked out a 12-miler, which was my first double digit run since the Charleston Marathon Jan. 18. It hurt. It hurt so bad, but I did it! I did the first 5 miles with my half marathon training group, so that part was great. We talked about food for 5 miles. Seriously, for 5 miles. But the last 7 miles were hard. I ran over the Arthur Ravenel Jr. bridge, which come to find out is 823 feet worth of elevation in a 5 mile span. Ouch!

Sunday was my birthday, so all healthy eating habits went out the door because my hubs made all my favorite foods for one meal - poached egg on a bagel with hollandaise sauce and smoked salmon with biscuits and gravy and hash browns. I'm still paying for a 3-pound weight gain that I haven't shook yet, but it was totally worth it.

Monday we did a s-l-o-w 3-miler with Fleet Feet and then they tried to kill me last night.

So unsuspecting of what's to come the next night

Seriously, I did 4 miles in less than 35 minutes and that included a slow warm up mile and 5 slow laps on the track, and it still averaged to an 8:49 per mile pace. That. Is. Fast. For. Me. Maybe the Army is right?

So, what we did was after that mile warm-up through the neighborhood, we took it to the track - 1. fast lap, 2. slow lap, 3. fast lap, 4. fast lap, 5. slow lap, 6. fast lap, 7. fast lap, 8. slow lap, 9. fast lap, 10. slow lap, 11. slow lap. Followed by a half-hour ab workout, of course. Today, my head, back and legs HURT. It's supposed to be a rest/crosstrain day for me and as of right now I'm leaning more toward resting, but we'll see as the day goes on.

See!!! I'm excited!

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