Saturday, December 21, 2013

Staying flexible

How strict do you keep to your training schedule? Does every run have to take place on the exact date and exact pace, or do you change things around based on life events and how you feel?

I bring this up just because I knocked my 10-mile run out a day early this week to be able to go to a crossfit class with a friend Saturday morning. I'm missing out on the actual group run, but I still got the miles in and I'm also getting a cross training opportunity out of the deal. I'm completely okay with this, but I know some people try to stick to their set training schedules and deviating is totally out of the question.

I know I'll need to get a bit stricter when I start my training for the Saint Louis Go! Marathon in January, but until then, miles are miles!

So, I tried a new recipe that I'm only so-so on. It wasn't bad, but I don't see myself trying it again. I'll share, just in case it turns out better for you.

Sweet Potato Fettuccini with Cauliflower Sauce

Needed for sauce:
-head of cauliflower, chopped in florets
-32 ounce vegetable broth
-minced garlic

1. Sauté the garlic in butter and set aside.

2. Bring broth to boil, add cauliflower. Simmer till soft, 8-10 minutes.

You can see my sweet potatoes hanging out over there, too. I was multitasking

3. Use a slotted spoon to add cauliflower to food processor (may have to do it in batches). Add the garlic and about a cup of the broth and blend. Add more broth as desired until you reach the consistency you like. Set aside sauce.

Needed for Fettuccini:
-sweet potato

1. Peel potato and bake in microwave for about 1-2 minutes, depending on size, so it's just soft enough to cut into strips.

2. Cut into about quarter inch strips.

3. Sauté in pan in butter until tender.

4. Pour about a cup of the cauliflower sauce over the top, cook for another minute then serve.

I didn't take a final picture of this because it wasn't very pretty. It made me think of Martha Stewart's ugly food tweets and I just didn't want to do it.

It was good because I like sweet potatoes and I like cauliflower, but I don't think I like them together. You win some, you lose some.

But one last gem I need to share with you. I was at City Lights Coffee shop yesterday in Downtown Charleston and got a coconut water with pulp in it. This was my first experience with one with coconut pulp and it was delicious! Little pieces of coconuty goodness along with a great hydrating drink. Perfection.

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