Friday, September 13, 2013

Falling for butternut squash mac n cheese

Falling, get it? Get it? For Fall. Haha! Anyways...

So I found this recipe from Buzzfeed (one of my favorite ways to pass time). They linked to a blog, that had made changes from an original recipe, and I have made changes to theirs. So, does that make this my own recipe? Here's where I got the idea.

-butternut squash
-2 cups milk
-bag of shredded cheddar

1. I cooked the squash before I cut it up, primarily because it was hard to cut. So, cut it in half, scoop out the seeds and toss them and lay it on a pan in shallow water and cook it over medium heat until tender, about 20 minutes.

2. Once my squash was tender, I used a spoon and scooped out the insides and put it in a pot.

3. Add 1 and 1/2 cup milk and let it cook over medium heat until the squash is so soft, it's practically liquid. Give it a stir every so often.

4. About this time, I started making my noodles, just as directed. Once they were done, I added a little butter and set them aside for the sauce.

5. Once you squash has made it to the next property state (get it? Solid to liquid? Nothing? Okay), slowly mix in 1/4 cup of flour and 1/4 cup milk. This will thicken it up.

6. Let it cook a couple more minutes, give it a stir and remove it from the heat. Stir in an 8oz bag of shredded cheddar and keep stirring till completely melted and fused together into a creamy, yummy sauce.

7. Pour those noodles into the mixture and stir it all up.

Oh my goodness. It's creamy, savory, with just a little touch of sweet from the squash. Good thing it's tasty because it made a huge batch so it looks like I'll be eating on it for a couple days.

She continued on to bake hers in the oven and add bacon to it, but I'm happy with leaving it straight out of the pot.

I had my dinner with a salad where the lettuce and basil were picked straight out of our own garden. How wonderful is this meal!

Oh, yea, one week till the Air Force Marathon! Start carbo loading like you just don't care what the scale says, woohoo!

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