Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nostalgia Way

You know when you taste or smell something and it instantly takes you back to a certain memory? That happened last night when I had some Moose Tracks ice cream for the first time in years. If you've never had Moose Tracks, you are missing out and need to correct yourself because it is the best ice cream. It has peanut butter and fudge swirled throughout. Perfection. As soon as i ate it, I instantly thought of my childhood home and my mom buying it and us having a bowl at night while sitting in her bedroom watching TV - me, her and my sister. Good memories.

Another gem I just discovered yesterday is Pace Garlic and Lime salsa. Uh, talk about all my favorite things! It even has a bit of a kick. With my luck, I'll never see it at the grocery store ever again, but I put a scoop (or three) into my butternut squash soup last night and it was awesome. I see dipping veggies, crackers, pouring it on eggs... The options are limitless! 

Me and the hubs also hit up the gym together last night and logged some miles on the treadmill. I love when he works out with me because it keeps me motivated. Too bad he's heading down to Charleston next week while I hang out in Maryland for a couple more months to wrap some things up. Gotta stay motivated!

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