Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Must-go Stew!

You know it's time to go grocery shopping when you're making 'must-go stew.' This was something my mom taught me and it's when you're fridge is getting so bare that everything 'must go' into the pot to make dinner!

Must-go stew changes every time, and really, as long as you have some kind of broth, some veggies and maybe a starch, you are good to go. I was lucky enough to have some seafood broth, red wine, half an onion, 3 potatoes, half a bag of peas and carrots and a scoop of couscous. Voila! There's dinner (and lunch for the next day).

Lunch today was absolutely amazing. Me and the hubs went out to eat (again, we're getting low on food at the house. I swear I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow!) and it was such a beautiful day that we were able to sit outside by the water in Old Town Alexandria. We went to a place called Chadwick's, that we used to frequent for brunch quite often, and I had a drool worthy sandwich. I had smoked mozzarella cheese on a ciabatta roll with an artichoke and olive spread with onion rings on the side. Don't let anyone tell you that it would be hard to be a fat vegetarian, because it's not. The sandwich originally came with meat on it, but I asked if they would be able to do it without and the waiter recommended extra mozzarella instead. Yes, please!

Look at that spread oozing out! Yummo!

It was nice to get out today, too, because it's been rainy and gloomy here the last couple of days, so I haven't left the house much. But I took this as an opportunity to get a little dolled up:

Now, I haven't worked out yet today, but I swear I will.  Monday, my 6 mile run was so hard! I wanted to quit, but I just slowed it down instead and pulled through it. Whew! But yesterday, I switched up my workout and ran my 7-miler because a friend came and ran with me and I never say no to a buddy run. It was even raining and we still did all 7 miles, including hills! So, today, when I workout, I will do my weight workout.

Which, by the way, that weight training is starting to pay-off. I can now do a pullup! It's still with my palms facing me, so I know it doesn't fully count, but I'm one step closer to being able to do one with palms facing away! 

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