Sunday, April 7, 2013

Meatless Marathon

Yesterday I logged my 5th marathon!

How many people can say that?! Let's celebrate my moment of excitement!

Okay, now let me add that it was my first marathon after becoming a (near) vegetarian, this past January!  Now, I knew completing a marathon without eating meat was possible because my momma has been running with me and she's closing in on four years as a (near) vegetarian; however, I have spent the last couple months having a some people tell me that I don't get enough protein to sustain running for that long.

Let me tell you something about me - I love to eat.  Seriously, I LOVE to eat.  I am not even a little bit picky.  You do not have to worry about me not getting enough protein. Also, I survived the marathon and I'm still standing today and I feel great! (save a couple of blisters)

It was a trail marathon, so the time is not impressive, but my momma and I have done it together for the past 3 years and it's become a bit of a tradition for us.  Just an FYI, we complain for the last 6 miles. We complain A LOT for the last 6 miles.  Thank goodness that after you leave the manned aide station at mile 18, you're committed.  There is no sag wagon for this race, so you have to finish the last 8.

Here's me and the momma on the trail (I'm on the right).

Now, going back to it being my first marathon after I stopped eating meat.  Typically, after my past marathons I would have a celebratory burger, or Chinese food, or chili, or just a little of everything because, hey, I just completed a marathon. Instead, we had jackfruit sandwiches, coleslaw and mac n cheese with broccoli. Yummo!

If you are a vegetarian and you are looking for some more meat-type substitutes, you have to check out jackfruit!  It was the first time I had it and I will definitely be a repeat customer.  My mom saw it on the cooking channel and checked it out and has had it a few times since then. She has only found it at Asian markets so far and you want to make sure you get it in brine or water, not syrup. The syrup makes it sweet and adds calories, but the brine or water makes it so you can make it savory.

The way she prepared the jackfruit made it like a pulled-chicken sandwich.  Again, yummo!

Jackfruit sandwich
-2 cans of jackfruit, in brine or water
-BBQ sauce
-2 cloves garlic
-1 tablespoon olive oil

1.  Drain and wash the jackfruit in several changes of water (to rinse off all that brine).  After washing it, squeeze out as much water as you can.

2.  In a pan, heat the oil and garlic, add the jackfruit and cook for about 3-4 minutes

3.  Transfer the jackfruit to a slow cooker and add enough BBQ sauce to fully cover the jackfruit, mix it well.

4.  Let it cook for about an hour, stirring occasionally and add more BBQ sauce as needed if it starts to dry out.  The jackfruit is done when it is fork tender and comes apart easily.

5.  Take the jackfruit out of the cooker and shred with a fork.  Put it in a container and let it sit for several hours or overnight in the fridge to further develop the flavor, or if it tastes good to you right out of the pot, go for it!

6.  Serve on a bun and add a bit more BBQ sauce, or any other toppings that you would like.


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