Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hawaii-Day 2 - Turtle sighting!

Another beautiful day in Hawaii. Can I stay?

Today we went to Laniakea Beach, also known as Turtle Beach! We were walking along when my momma goes 'oh! Oh! Oh!' We had our first official turtle sighting! After that there were so many of them right along the beach line, poking their heads up to say hi.

We went beach hopping after that and stopped at a cove as we were driving along and got to see a Hawaiian Monk Seal that was only about 5 feet away from us. He was just chillin in the shallow water enjoying the sunshine.

We found another beach and attempted paddle boarding. That was an adventure all on it's own and definitely a full body workout. None of us had ever done it before, so the rocky bottom, snorklers, and extreme winds were not ideal for first timers. Seriously, the wind was insane and you can't stop paddling because as soon as you do the wind takes you past the buoys and that's not where you want to be. Ask my momma. She turned paddle boarding into surfing and caught a couple waves on accident, while my hubby fell off his board, then handed me his paddle and then had nothing to steer with. We were a bit much to handle for the instructor.

On our way back we hit up the Dole Plantation and rode the Pineapple Express. We learned all kinds of tidbits about pineapples, like that they're all planted and picked by hand, it has an enzyme that aides digestion and once a pineapple is picked it will not ripen any more. Who knew?? We also split a 'Dole Whip' which was pineapple ice cream, and is highly recommended.

Isn't it amazing how exhausting being out in the sun is? Aloha!

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