Monday, April 22, 2013

Gym rant and new goals

So, I know one of the reasons why I don't like lifting weights, weight rooms are ridiculous. I went there today hoping to do my little weight routine (check it out here), but it ended up getting cut short because there was a lot of judgement going on, from both sides. First, I cannot stand the guys who are all pumped up and high fiving each other after every rep. Really? Second, don't watch me workout! I do not want your 'advice' on how I could do it better or that my workout has no focus. How about you FOCUS on your own workout. Third, I don't know where to stand. I always feel like I'm in someone's way. So, I left. I did most of the workout (just not bench press, modified pull up and then I did the negative resistance when I got home), but I was very uncomfortable there. I'm seriously tempted to go buy my own free, food for thought.

Speaking of food! I have to tell you what I had for lunch - a vegetarian Reuben! *swoon*

My mom taught me this substitution on one of my favorite sandwiches from those days when I ate meat (has it really almost been 4 months?!). Now mine had some modifications today because I used what I had, but I'm going to teach you how to make it the right way.

Vegetarian Reuben
(10 weight watchers points)

You'll need:
-Meatless lunch meat. Any kind is fine, my favorite is Lightlife turkey or bologna, but I used hickory smoked tofurky today and it was just as tasty
-laughing cow light swiss wedge. I only had the queso fresco & chipotle kind, but you want to use swiss if you want it more authentic
-Bolthouse Thousand Island Yogurt dressing. I didn't have any today because I just got home and haven't been to the grocery store, so I did without, but I recommend using it to get the true taste of a reuben

1.  Gather all your supplies and pop your bread in the toaster
2. Smear the laughing cow on one side of the bread
3. Top with sauerkraut
4. Top with thousand island dressing
5. Top with lunch meat
6. Dig in!

I like to add some tomatoes and lettuce to mine just to boost up the veggie intake, feel free to make any modifications based on what you have available.

**Instead of toasting the bread, you could assemble the sandwich first then give it a press on a panini press, but I made it the lazy/quicker/cleaner way.

I had my sandwich with some Special K Sweet & Salty Popcorn Chips. Delish! It's kind of like a mix between a tortilla chip and popcorn and you get 28 of them for 3 weight watcher points! I thought they were going to taste like those bland rice cake things, but these are really good.

So, the whole reason I started this blog was because I read an article in Runner's World that talked about how it can keep you motivated if you express your goals. I figured that if I write them out instead of just keeping them in my head, that I will be more likely to work toward them, even if no one reads it. Here goes:

-Short term goal - Drink more water. I don't think I'm ready to cut back on coffee and diet soda, but I'm going to try to drink at least one of my camelbak water bottles a day for the next week, then reassess from there.
-Middle goal - 7:00 min mile. I did my last graded 2 mile run for the Army in 15:29, so about 7:45 miles. I'd like to get the 1 mile down to 7 minutes and see how it helps my graded 2 miles
-Long term goal - Sub 2 hour half marathon. The last half marathon I did was in October 2011 and it was 2:07. I've still been doing races since then - 5k's, 10k's, marathons - but I haven't done a competitive half since then (Disney Princess Half Marathon doesn't count!). I'd like to be below 2 hours by the end of June. I'm going to try to sign up for one next month to see where I'm at and then train accordingly.

They are out in the world now, even if just for me to come back and check on.

Hopefully, my workout schedule for this week will play out like this:
Tuesday - 5 mile run
Wednesday - Weight lift, speed
Thursday - 6 mile run
Friday - Weight lift, speed
Saturday - 7 mile run
Sunday - rest

Now, I need to go buy those free weights so I make sure my weight lifting gets done this week!

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