Friday, March 14, 2014

Back in the double digits

I have been wanting to try zucchini spaghetti noodles for some time now, and just bought this awesome julienne tool (Amazon for $6) to cut it in strips. This thing is seriously awesome. You just run it down the side of the zucchini and voila, zucchini noodles! 

I just tossed it in a pan with some sautéed onions, garlic and butter, then topped it with spaghetti sauce. I made two zucchinis worth for me and the hubs and it was really filling. 

My other exciting news is that I'm back running double digits for my long runs! I got in a 14-miler the other day and it felt really good. My race pace for a half marathon is 9:13 and my race pace for a marathon is 10:54, so I averaged 10:16's and it was great.

Finally, I have to give a shout out to these new shoes. They are flip flops that actually give you support. It's like the best of both worlds! I got them from my local Fleet Feet  and I have a feeling they are going to be my go-to shoe this summer. They're called Montrail Women's Molokini, if you're wanting to check them out.

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