Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eat what you want to

People ask me (and my momma) how we don't eat meat, if we get enough protein, if we feel weak while running. Short answers - easy, yes and no.

Long answers - I really feel like it makes a difference not eating red meat and chicken. I just feel healthier, I save calories and money not buying meat. Win-win-win!

Trust me, we get enough protein. I've talked about this before and Runner's World has even covered it in great detail. It comes down to not needing meat-based protein. Plant protein does the job, and I do still eat fish.

And I don't feel any weaker during my runs as long as I fuel properly. Lately, I like to eat a bowl of oatmeal with a scoop of PB2 in it (protein!) and a banana before I run and I have plenty of GUs on hand in case I need a pick-me-up midrun. Bam!

Now for the big question - is there anything I miss eating? I will admit, that a big, juicy burger with cheese does look appealing (or how about a sourdough jack from jack n the box!) But besides that, I don't really crave meat anymore. It could be because I still eat fish (I know- traitor!) But there are also a lot of really great meat substitutes out there. Morningstar Farms, Gardein and Tofurkey are my favorites and they make everything from bacon and sausage to meatballs, chicken tenders, beef tips and lunch meat. Anything you could possibly crave. And with that, I present to you my dinner - Chinese food!

Fried rice, vegetable potstickers and sesame garlic tempeh. And without the disgusting, sluggish feeling that usually comes after eating Chinese food. 

On the workout front, I've logged an 8 and 7-miler this week and I've still been rockin out with the crossfit. Runner's World also posted a 'how-to' for using a foam roller, so I've also been incorporating that so my muscles get a good massage. 25-miler on Friday! Woohoo!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cross training

Less than a month till the Air Force Marathon! Almost time to see if all this training will pay off. I'm hoping for a 4:45, cutting 4 minutes of my previous PR. If not, I have the Marine Corps Marathon 2 months later.

And speaking of all this training, I added a little cross training this week with crossfit. I'm sure you've heard all the hype about this hot trend, but I want to incorporate it a bit so I can build a little muscle. It was definitely hard. Each day we did some weight lifting - bench press, dead lift and front squats, along with a warmup and a workout that carried each day. It lasts about an hour and between that and a run in the morning, I've been beat! But it's getting a little better, and I'm enjoying it so I'm gonna stick it out for a little. At least until I get a full-time job here.

Now because of all this extra working out, I've also been extra hungry. My new addiction are these handmade popsicles here that are so tasty! In just over a week that I've been here, I've had 3 - blood orange basil, chocolate pluff mud porter and peaches n cream. Yum! And of course me and the hubs hit up Sunday brunch. Huevos Rancheros from The Rarebit. *drool* crispy tortillas, black bean puree, salsa, avocado, and eggs. Okay, I need the extra workouts to balance out this delish South Carolina food!

And we're still chugging along with our new found gardening hobby. It's only been a week, so I don't know yet if we're any good at it, but here's to hoping!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to basics

So, the reason I went so long without writing was because of a 2 week work trip.

The very first day there, I woke up with a fever, sore throat and sinus headache, so that kind of put a stop to my training for a couple days. When I got back into it though, I went back to the basics of running - no GPS, no music, I just got up and ran a couple laps around the parking lot till it was time to get ready for work. It was kind of nice to not worry about distance or pace and just focus on going forward. I kept this up for a couple days before I located the gym and hopped on the treadmill to fit in a 6-, 5- and 4-miler.

Now that I'm trying to get back into a routine in a new place, I have been able to log a 10-, 5-, 3-, and 5.5-miler, and I also added an hour of crossfit today. I haven't quite got back up to the mileage I should be, but I don't want to hurt myself with a month left before the marathon.

Between that 5.5-miler and crossfit today though, I'm starving! Starving. I devoured a grilled cheese and salad, then moved on to the hubs' French fries from the Tattooed Moose. Starving.

Guess I will definitely be needing to log more miles tomorrow.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Farm fresh

I know it's been awhile since my last post. I have been crazy busy with work and things are just settling down. I finally made it home to Charleston and my first weekend here me and the hubs checked out a local farmers market and stocked up on some fresh fruit and veg.

I'm putting some of it to use tonight for dinner with shrimp tacos with corn and tomato salsa and fresh guacamole.

-2 cobs of corn
-1 large tomato
-1 avocado
-taco shells
-sour cream

1. Shuck the corn and put it in a pot of boiling water.
2. Mash up and avocado and mix in any extra goodies you like - such as tomatoes and onions.

3. Cook and peel the shrimp.
4. Once the corn is done, cut it off the cob, add the cooked shrimp and diced tomato and heat it over medium heat for about 5 minutes.

5. Fill the taco shells with the shrimp mixture, top with lettuce, sour cream and guac.

For dessert, we're going to dig into this beast of a watermelon!

Aaaand I have to share what I had for lunch. 

We found a food truck called Outta My Huevos and I devoured these veggie empanadas filled with corn, tomatoes, zucchini and cheese, dipped in spicy lime aioli and a side of cheddar grits AND a blood orange basil popsicle from King of Pops. Yesssss.

The farmers market also inspired me to do a little gardening and HOPEFULLY grow some of my own goodies. Wish me luck!

Kitten is a great helper!